IDUG News & Blogs

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IDUG News Technical Content

65 million years ago, or so it seems to many, COBOL-programming dinosaurs roamed the earth. They accessed their Db2 data with highly efficient...

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Let me openly admit that my first treatment of this topic was a very thorough top-down, lecture style, technical approach … until Michael Keaton...

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First off, I strongly recommend readers to review Chapter 1 of this series - The Book of Db2 Pacemaker – Chapter 1: Red pill or Blue pill? It...

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The following is a collection of SQL tips and reminders about modern SQL that some people may have forgotten.  These SQL tips are ...

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When coding SQL joins, is there any difference in where you code your filtering predicates?  We know that when you code SQL using the ANSI-92...

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This term relates to any SELECT that returns a single value (one column, one row).  It can be used as an expression in the SELECT, WHERE, or HAVING...

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As a follow up to our previous article on IDAA we also wanted to bring attention to several years worth of content on IDAA that might still be...

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Why is it sometimes we see SQL queries that list a table more than once in the same query? There are a number of reasons where this self-joining is...

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Db2 for z/OS Data Gate (Db2 Data Gate) provides synchronized Db2 data to cloud-based applications reducing read-only operational processing and the...

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You might be struggling with this question – When is the right time to push my organization to take the red pill to have the new Pacemaker...

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A temporary table (in most RDMS) is a place to keep data for the duration of some application process. The data is basically private and only...

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How to use “package” access path information to solve a real-life application issue! Get access path from the “package”!

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