IDUG News & Blogs

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IDUG News Technical Content

Solve Sudoku using SQL!!! This festive season, impress your friends and colleague with your quick Sudoku skills and some clever SQL! How? Using...

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New, Final and Old tables are features that have been around in Db2 for several versions, at least back to v9.7, but they don’t seem to get a lot...

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Several case studies on what to do when indexes are only be effective to a limited extent

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One of the oldest problems in Db2 performance was the efficient processing of pagination – when an online application needs to process an...

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Many new features of Db2 are being used quite frequently, while others not so much. This article is a reminder, and may not be a complete list....

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Indexes perform a critical role in any relational database and Db2 is no exception. Let’s take a look at the way indexes work in a Db2 environment.

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From Emil Kotrc and Julia Carter | Package rebinds can sometimes be a real challenge for DBAs when it comes to Db2 upgrades. But when it comes to...

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Db2 Version 13 is upon us! After V12, IBM was a bit vague about when a new version number for Db2 would be created. Why? IBM was using Db2...

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From George Baklarz and Phil Downey | Many customers are looking at modernizing their databases by moving them into a containerized environment such...

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Containerization takes Db2 to the world of Cloud Paks, Red Hat OpenShift, Public Cloud Kubernetes platforms (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud and IBM...

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Recently, I have been visiting a technical university with a short speech at a seminar and my topic was IBM mainframes. Fortunately, this was after...

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From the IBM Data Management Console Development Group Jun Liu , Guo Bin Zhao, Yinmei Chen | Db2 maintains a set of catalog tables that describes...

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